Hello Norsk

Here’s the "hello world" of Norsk Media. It launches Norsk and prints out its version number.

const norsk = await Norsk.connect();  (1)
console.log(`Hello from norsk version: ${norsk.version.label}`); (2)
await norsk.close(); (3)
1 Connect to the Norsk Media instance (by default on, but this can be overridden by passing optional NorskSettings).
2 Print out the version of Norsk Media.
3 Close the connection to Norsk and exit.

Running this should produce:

Hello from norsk version: 1.0.401-nightly-22566297
Norsk has shutdown

And if you are up and running with the examples, running it is as simple as

./run-example --license-file [path-to-your-license-file-here] start hello_norsk