Docker Installation

Norsk is distributed via Docker images for easy setup and reproducible results.

You will want to configure Docker with your Norsk license and network ports to interact with it.

Downloading the Norsk Media Container

Download Norsk Docker images from GitHub’s Docker container store:

docker image pull norskvideo/norsk:latest

License File Configuration

If you just start the Norsk Media container, it will simply print out a usage message and exit:

> docker run norskvideo/norsk:latest
Usage: norsk --license-file <license-file> [options]
 --startup-config-file <config-file>    Override the default Norsk startup configuration
 --log-config-file <config-file>        Provide a fluent-bit configuration file defining the log output target

The license file is the only mandatory parameter, and you need to set it to the location of your license file - but remember, Norsk is running inside a container, so the file needs to be mapped. As an example:

> docker run --mount type=bind,source=/home/user/license.json,target=/mnt/license.json,readonly \
> norskvideo/norsk:latest -license-file /mnt/license.json

or alternatively using the volume syntax:

> docker run --volume=/home/user/license.json:/mnt/license.json:ro norskvideo/norsk:latest --license-file /mnt/license.json

If the license is not available at that location, you will see log messages at startup along the lines of:

Could not find a valid license for Norsk. See docs.