The Anatomy of an Application
A Norsk Media solution consists of various elements:
The Norsk Media Container: This provides all the media and associated functionality as described at length here: Norsk Media is packaged and runs as a Docker Container - see Docker Installation for details.
The Norsk Media Application. Norsk itself is an SDK / API. Your Norsk Media Application is where you get to control what it is you want Norsk to do. The application can run however you want it to - directly on your host, in a container, inside Kubernetes etc.
Sources: one or more of any of the wide variety of source formats that Norsk supports
Outputs: one or more of any of the wide variety of output formats that Norsk supports
Your application communicates with Norsk over gRPC using a combination of the Norsk API and/or Norsk language-specific SDKs. The Norsk API is generated from the gRPC proto files (as is standard for gRPC) and as such you can access the power of Norsk from any language. We also provide a TypeScript / Javascript SDK that streamlines the development experience for these languages. Other SDKs will be coming in future - do let us know your requirements as we’d be delighted to talk.