SRT Ingest (Listener)
This component handles media ingest via the SRT(Secure Reliable Transport) protocol. It acts as a listener, receiving media streams from remote SRT sources and is highly configurable, allowing for custom IP addresses, ports, and stream handling behaviours.
Component Configuration
Option | Description | Required |
id |
A unique identifier for the component instance |
✓ |
displayName |
The name shown in the Studio UI of this component |
✓ |
port |
The port this SRT input will listen on (default: 5001) |
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host |
The IP address/hostname this SRT input will listen on (default: "") |
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passphrase |
Optional: Authentication for this SRT input |
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socketOptions |
Socket Options |
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sourceNames |
Either auto assign streams in the order they come in, or restrict connections to those with known stream ids (default: "permissive") |
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streamIds |
List of stream ids to assign to the accepted streams (default: ["camera1"]) |
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notes |
Additional notes about this component |
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Socket Options
Option | Description | Required |
receiveLatency |
The latency value in the receiving direction of the socket (SRTO_RCVLATENCY) |
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peerLatency |
The latency value provided by the sender side as a minimum value for the receiver (SRTO_PEERLATENCY) |
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inputBandwidth |
Input bandwidth (SRTO_INPUTBW) |
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overheadBandwidth |
Overhead bandwidth (SRTO_OHEADBW) |
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maxBandwidth |
Max bandwidth (SRTO_MAXBW) |
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