norsk-sdk package
Class | Description |
see: NorskInput.browser() |
SDI capture through a DeckLink card. see: NorskInput.deckLink(). |
SDI capture through a Deltacast card. see: NorskInput.deltaCast(). |
see: NorskInput.fileMp4() |
see: NorskInput.fileTs() |
see: NorskOutput.fileTs() |
see: NorskInput.fileWav() |
see: NorskOutput.whep() |
see: NorskOutput.moq() |
NDI Capture see: NorskInput.ndi(). |
see: NorskOutput.ndi() |
The entrypoint for all Norsk Media applications |
see: NorskOutput.rtmp() |
see: NorskInput.rtp() |
see: NorskDuplex.sip() |
see: |
see: |
see: NorskInput.udpTs() |
see: NorskOutput.udpTs() |
see: NorskOutput.whep() |
see: NorskInput.whip() |
see: NorskOutput.whip() |
Function | Description |
Returns the stream keys for ancillary streams in a media context |
Filters a context to only the ancillary streams within it |
Returns the stream keys for audio streams in a media context |
Filters a context to only the audio streams within it |
Construct a waveform representing a string of DTMF digits. This is of finite duration, you may wish to sequence silence afterwards |
Generate encryption parameters from from an encryption KeyID and Key, in the form KEYID:KEY, both 16byte hexadecimal |
Provided for compatibilty, this is just e.g. |
Returns the stream keys for playlist streams in a media context |
Filters a context to only the playlist streams within it |
Validation function to require at least one audio and at least one video stream. Often the default validation will happen to ensure this, as audio and video are subscribed from separate media nodes, but when one media node will produce both audio and video, default validation cannot know that both are required. |
Validation function to require exactly N audio and exactly M video streams. Often the default validation will happen to ensure this, as audio and video are subscribed from separate media nodes, but when one media node will produce both audio and video, default validation cannot know that both are required. |
Select all the streams from the input |
Select all the ancillary data streams from the input |
Select all the audio streams from the input |
Select all the audio and video streams from the input |
Select all the subtitle streams from the input |
Select all the video streams from the input |
Create a selector selecting all the video streams from the input with the specified rendition name |
Compares two stream keys by value, returning true if the stream keys refer to the same stream |
Returns the stream keys for subtitle streams in a media context |
Filters a context to only the subtitle streams within it |
Returns the stream keys for video streams in a media context |
Filters a context to only the video streams within it |
Interface | Description |
Settings for an AAC encode see: NorskTransform.audioEncode() |
Settings for a AV1 Encode using AmdMA35D hardware A detailed description of these params can be found on the AmdMA35D Encoder Documentation These fields have deliberately been written to maintain the same semantics as the AmdMA35D documentation where possible. If left undefined, all will default to AmdMA35D’s own defaults |
Common settings for a HEVC and H264 Encodes using AmdMA35D hardware A detailed description of these params can be found on the AmdMA35D Encoder Documentation. Note that in accordance with the MA35D documentation, all bitrates are kbps These fields have deliberately been written to maintain the same semantics as the AmdMA35D documentation where possible. If left undefined, all will default to AmdMA35D’s own defaults |
Settings for a H264 Encode using AmdMA35D hardware A detailed description of these params can be found on the AmdMA35D Encoder Documentation These fields have deliberately been written to maintain the same semantics as the AmdMA35D documentation where possible. If left undefined, all will default to AmdMA35D’s own defaults |
Settings for a HEVC Encode using AmdMA35D hardware A detailed description of these params can be found on the AmdMA35D Encoder Documentation These fields have deliberately been written to maintain the same semantics as the AmdMA35D documentation where possible. If left undefined, all will default to AmdMA35D’s own defaults |
Settings for a H264 Encode using AmdU30 hardware A detailed description of these params can be found on the AmdU30 Encoder Documentation These fields have deliberately been written to maintain the same semantics as the AmdU30 documentation where possible. If left undefined, all will default to AmdU30’s own defaults |
Settings for a HEVC Encode using AmdU30 hardware A detailed description of these params can be found on the AmdU30 Encoder Documentation These fields have deliberately been written to maintain the same semantics as the AmdU30 documentation where possible. If left undefined, all will default to AmdU30’s own defaults |
Settings for an Ancillary node see NorskTransform.ancillary() |
Settings for an Audio Build Multichannel Node see: NorskTransform.audioBuildMultichannel() |
Settings for an audio encode see: NorskTransform.audioEncode() |
Settings for an Audio Gain node see: NorskTransform.audioGain() |
An update operation for an Audio Gain node see: AudioGainNode.updateConfig() |
Settings for an AudioMeasureLevelsNode see: NorskControl.audioMeasureLevels() |
Settings for the Audio Mix Matrix Node see: NorskTransform.audioMixMatrix() |
Config update for the AudioMixMatrixNode. Call AudioMixMatrixNode.updateConfig() for updating the config. |
The settings for an AudioMix operation see: NorskTransform.audioMix() |
An update operation for an AudioMix node see: AudioMixNode.updateConfig() |
The settings for a single source within an AudioMix operation see: NorskTransform.audioMix() |
Settings for an Audio Signal Generator see: NorskInput.audioSignal() |
Settings for an Audio Split Multichannel node see: NorskTransform.audioSplitMultichannel() |
Settings for an Audio Transcribe operation using AWS see: NorskTransform.audioTranscribeAws() |
Settings for an audio transcribe/translate operation using Azure Speech Service see: NorskTransform.audioTranscribeAzure() |
Settings for an Audio Transcribe operation using Whisper sdk (whisper-cpp) see: NorskTransform.audioTranscribeWhisper() |
Configuration for pushing a segmented media stream directly to AWS S3 |
There are three possible modes: - "abr": encode in average bitrate mode, specified in kilobits/sec (note, 1 kilobit is 1000 bits). You can make use of the vbv settings to control the bounds on how much the actual bitrate can fluctuate within the bounds of the average - "cqp": encode in constant quantizer mode. In general, crf will give better results, although cqp can be faster to encode - "crf": encode in constant rate factor mode. This will give a constant 'quality' to the encode, but with a variable bitrate |
Settings for a Browser Application (Chromium Embedded Framework - CEF). Multiple browser input nodes will share an underlying CEF instance if the BrowserAppSettings are the same |
Settings for a Browser Input see: NorskInput.browser() |
A settings update for a running browser see: BrowserInputNode.updateConfig() |
Settings for a CMAF Multi Variant Playlist see NorskOutput.cmafMultiVariant() |
Settings for a CMAF Audio and Video Outputs see NorskOutput.cmafAudio(), NorskOutput.cmafVideo() |
Settings for a CMAF WebVTT Output see NorskOutput.cmafWebVtt() |
Settings to control SDI capture through a DeckLink card see: NorskInput.deckLink() |
Settings to control SDI capture through a Deltacast card see: NorskInput.deltaCast() |
Drop a number of frames after a certain N frames have already been accepted |
Drop every N frames from an incoming video stream |
Randomly drop frames on a stream - 0.0 means don’t drop any frames - 1.0 means drop every single frame |
Drop the first N frames from an incoming video stream |
Settings for an image file source see: NorskInput.fileImage() |
Information about an Mp4 File |
Settings for an File Based Mp4 Input see: NorskInput.fileMp4() |
Settings for updating a file-based Mp4 Input see: FileMp4InputNode.updateSettings() |
Settings to control MP4 file output see NorskOutput.fileMp4() |
The settings for an output Transport Stream written to file see: NorskOutput.fileTs() |
Settings for an File Based WAV Input see: NorskInput.fileWav() |
Settings to control WAV file output see NorskOutput.fileWav() |
Settings to control MP4 file output see NorskOutput.fileMp4() |
Settings for a GeminiProcessorNode see: NorskControl.geminiProcessor() |
Settings for Gemini Video |
Configuration for pushing a segmented media stream directly to a generic http server |
Settings for a HLS TS Audio Output see NorskOutput.hlsTsAudio() |
Settings for a HLS Transport Stream Combined Push Output see NorskOutput.hlsTsCombinedPush() |
Settings for a Hls Ts Multivariant Playlist see NorskOutput.hlsTsMultiVariant() |
Settings for a HLS TS Video Output see NorskOutput.hlsTsVideo() |
The settings for a Image Preview Output see NorskOutput.imagePreview() |
Base settings for most input nodes |
A time interval measured as ticks / (ticks per second) |
Settings for a Jitter Buffer see: NorskTransform.jitterBuffer() |
Information about a channel within a license |
License information, as reported by the Kantar Snap Embedder; see NorskKantarEmbedder.kantarEmbedder() |
OfflineLicense definition for the NorskKantarEmbedder.kantarEmbedder() |
The base OfflineLicense interface for the NorskKantarEmbedder.kantarEmbedder() |
OnlineLicense definition for the NorskKantarEmbedder.kantarEmbedder() |
The base OnlineLicense interface for the NorskKantarEmbedder.kantarEmbedder() |
Online License information, as reported by the Kantar Snap Embedder; see NorskKantarEmbedder.kantarEmbedder() |
Settings for an Kantar Audio Watermark Embedder node see: NorskKantarEmbedder.kantarEmbedder() |
Event raised by the Kantar Snap Embedder; see NorskKantarEmbedder.kantarEmbedder() |
Kantar version information |
The standard settings for any node reading from a file |
Configuration for the serving of segments and playlists directly from the Norsk Web Server Note: While this is both useful for local testing and for sitting behind a reverse caching proxy / CDN it is not expected that Norsk serve as the edge server in most scenarios |
Settings for a H264 Encode using Netint Logan hardware A detailed description of these params can be found on the Netint Logan Encoder Documentation These fields have deliberately been written to maintain the same semantics as the Logan documentation where possible. If left undefined, all will default to Logan’s own defaults |
Settings for a HEVC Encode using Netint Logan hardware A detailed description of these params can be found on the Netint Logan Encoder Documentation These fields have deliberately been written to maintain the same semantics as the Logan documentation where possible. If left undefined, all will default to Logan’s own defaults |
Settings for Media Store playback see: NorskMediaStore.player() |
Settings to configure a media store recorder see NorskMediaStore.recorder() |
Settings to configure a media store snapshot see NorskMediaStore.snapshot() |
Settings for a MetadataCombineNode, see NorskTransform.metadataCombine() |
A metadata message as carried in a Transport Stream |
Settings to configure a Moq Egest see NorskOutput.moq() |
Settings to control NDI capture see: NorskInput.ndi() |
Settings to configure a Ndi Egest see NorskOutput.ndi() |
Settings common to all media nodes |
Methods that allow you to control and monitor media streams |
Methods that allow you to inspect a system (typically during development) |
Methods that allow you to both ingest and egest media from your application at the same time |
Methods that allow you to ingest media into your application |
Methods that allow you to embed audio watermarks into your media streams |
Methods to interact with the Media Store live-to-vod recording engine |
Methods that allow you to egest media from your application |
Top level Norsk configuration |
Methods that allow you query the features of the system that Norsk is running in |
Methods that allow you to manipulate your media streams |
Settings for a H264 Encode using Nvidia hardware A detailed description of these params can be found on the Nvidia Encoder Documentation If left undefined, all will default to Nvidia’s own defaults If a preset is configured, then all will default to the values provided by that preset |
Settings for a HEVC Encode using Nvidia hardware A detailed description of these params can be found on the Nvidia Encoder Documentation If left undefined, all will default to Nvidia’s own defaults If a preset is configured, then all will default to the values provided by that preset |
The rate control options for an nvidia encode For further info, consult the Nvidia Encoder docs |
A rectangle used for describing a subset of an image |
Settings for an Opus encode see: NorskTransform.audioEncode() |
A transition for a video composition part. A transition interpolates the source_rect, dest_rect, and opacity properties over the specified duration according to the specified easing function. As a special case, if a transition is specified and the input pin of the part changes, an opacity fade from one to the other will occur. |
Settings for an AV1 Encode using Netint Quadra hardware A detailed description of these params can be found on the Netint Quadra Encoder Documentation These fields have deliberately been written to maintain the same semantics as the Quadra documentation where possible. If left undefined, all will default to Quadra’s own defaults |
Settings for a H264 Encode using Netint Quadra hardware A detailed description of these params can be found on the Netint Quadra Encoder Documentation These fields have deliberately been written to maintain the same semantics as the Quadra documentation where possible. If left undefined, all will default to Quadra’s own defaults |
Settings for a HEVC Encode using Netint Quadra hardware A detailed description of these params can be found on the Netint Quadra Encoder Documentation These fields have deliberately been written to maintain the same semantics as the Quadra documentation where possible. If left undefined, all will default to Quadra’s own defaults |
Base settings for any input node requiring access to a host:port pair |
The resolution of a video within Norsk |
The settings for an RTMP output see: NorskOutput.rtmp() |
Settings to control how RTMP streams can be included as sources in your media workflow see: NorskInput.rtmpServer() |
A description of an Eac3 stream being delivered via RTP |
A description of an H264 stream delivered over RTP |
A description of an HEVC stream delivered over RTP |
Settings for an RTP input see: NorskInput.rtp() |
A description of a LinearPCM stream being delivered via RTP |
A description of a Mpeg4 Generic Aac stream |
A description of an incoming RTP stream |
This is the SAR/PAR for a video stream and is an expression of what shape each pixel has within a video stream x:1, y:1 being a square and the most common value for this |
Settings for a SIP session |
Settings for an SRT Input node see: |
The settings for an SRT output see: |
Settings for a StreamAlign node This will reset all streams to the same framerates/sample rates and align their timestamps so that they completely line up for downstream operations see NorskTransform.streamAlign() |
The settings for a Chaos Monkey see: NorskTransform.streamChaosMonkey() |
Settings for a Stream Key Override see: NorskTransform.streamKeyOverride() |
Settings for a Stream Metadata Override Node see: NorskTransform.streamMetadataOverride() |
Settings for a Stream Statistics Node see: NorskControl.streamStatistics() |
Settings for the Hard Stream Switch see: NorskControl.streamSwitchHard() |
Settings for the Smooth Source Switch see NorskControl.streamSwitchSmooth() |
Settings for a StreamSync node see NorskTransform.streamSync() |
Settings for a Stream Timestamp Nudge see: NorskTransform.streamTimestampNudge() |
Settings to control MP4 file output see NorskOutput.fileMp4() |
Settings for an Subtitle Convert operation see: NorskTransform.subtitleTranslateAws() |
Settings for an Audio Transcribe operation using AWS see: NorskTransform.subtitleTranslateAws() |
Settings for a UDP Transport Stream input see: NorskInput.udpTs() |
The settings for an output Transport Stream over UDP see: NorskOutput.udpTs() |
An update request for credentials on a CMAF output |
Settings for a VideoCompose node |
An update operation for a VideoCompose operation see: VideoComposeNode.updateConfig() |
Settings for a VideoDecode operation see: NorskTransform.videoDecode() |
A single rung in a video encode ladder see: NorskTransform.videoEncode() |
Settings for a VideoEncode operation see: NorskTransform.videoEncode() |
Settings for an Video Testcard Generator see: NorskInput.videoTestCard() |
Settings for a Video Transform node see: NorskTransform.videoTransform() |
Settings for a WebRTC browser session see: NorskDuplex.webRtcBrowser() |
The settings for a WebRTC WHEP Output see NorskOutput.whep() |
The settings for a WebRTC Whip Output see NorskOutput.whip() |
X265 codec |
Type Aliases
Type Alias | Description |
CabrMode, please see CABR documentation for details |
Channel layout for an audio stream |
Possible destinations for a segmented media stream - HlsPushDestinationSettings: Push to a generic HTTP server - AwsS3PushDestinationSettings: Push to Amazon S3 - LocalPullDestinationSettings: Serve directly from the Norsk Web Server |
The return result of a compose callback, directing which pixels to place where |
CTA-608 format (note this may be embedded in 708 according to output container) |
CTA-708 format (this means native 708, not the embedding of 608 in 708) |
A decibel (dB). A null value represents -inf. |
Various options for de-interlacing video either in software or hardware (where available) |
Definition for metadata passed as the first argument to a Gemini function call |
Definition for a function call |
A relative change in decibels, expressing a power ratio. A value of 0dB means no change, positive values mean an increase in power, and negative values mean a decrease in power. |
See the Nvidia Encoder Docs for a description of this value |
See the Nvidia Encoder Docs for a description of this value |
See the Nvidia Encoder Docs for a description of this value |
See the Nvidia Encoder Docs for a description of this value |
See the Nvidia Encoder Docs for a description of this value |
See the Nvidia Encoder Docs for a description of this value |
See the Nvidia Encoder Docs for a description of this value |
See the Nvidia Encoder Docs for a description of this value |
See the Nvidia Encoder Docs for a description of this value |
Return type to enable control of an RTMP stream once media arrives on it |
Definition for a parameter in a function call |
Settings for influencing the encode pipeline built for a quadra rung within a ladder |
The algorithm used for rescales in quadra pipeline, in ffmpeg parlance this is 0 = default 1 = filterblit 2 = bicubic |
The stream keys in an RTMP input stream |
Audio sample rate, in Hz |
Recursive definition for defining types |
Errors found while subscribing to a particular source, separated out by reason: - - - - - |
The return value for the SrtInputSettings.onConnection callback determining what to do with an incoming stream |
Errors found while setting up subscriptions, separated out by reason: - - - - |
Determines what to do with an incoming context - true/accept: Allow the incoming context through, and any subsequent/queued data that belongs to it - false/deny: Deny the incoming context, if no context has been accepted, then queue data until one is - accept_and_terminate: Allow the incoming context, then deny further data, flush and shut down the node this is useful for cleanly terminating outputs when the context is empty - deny_and_queue: Deny the incoming context, and revert to the original queueing behaviour as if no context has been accepted this is useful when switching from one full context to another, avoiding any "in-between" - deny_and_drop: Deny the incoming context, drop any currently queued data, and drop any further data that might be received this is useful if you have a lot of setup on start-up and would prefer not to queue data while waiting for that to take place |
The format to convert subtitles to |
Describes a waveform for use by audio signal generator. Constructed from simple sine waves, silence and sequences, loops, combinations of those. May be finite or infinite in duration, it may often make sense to follow a timed signal with silence. See mkDtmf() to construct DTMF tones. |
WebVTT format |
See the X264 Docs for a description of this value |
Three possible values: - "none": specify no HRD information - "vbr": specify HRD information - "cbr": specify HRD information and pack the bitstream to the bitrate specified See the X264 Docs for a further description of this value |
See the X264 Docs for a description of this value |
See the X264 Docs for a description of this value |
See the X265 Docs for a description of this value |
See the X265 Docs for a description of this value |
See the X265 Docs for a description of this value |
See the X265 Docs for a description of this value |
See the X265 Docs for a description of this value |